Welcome to Office Magnet

A new venture started in 2016, towards simplifying the training process and focusing on customer satisfaction as well. A corporate, though has Learning and Development team or not, it always needs the subject matter experts to design a training program that fits the end-users needs.

A trainee who enters in the training should never regret for nominating to it. Such a well-refined process should be put in place right from training requirements gathering till feedback evaluation.

Not just with corporate, but also with individual, Office Magnet will strive to provide end-end solution that exactly fits everyone's bill. Office Magnet is run by a corporate-grown professional with proven skills and enough exposure to almost all the domains of industry.

We follow 360° strategy of training design that helps the entire training life-cycle to be operated smoother and to address any anomalies if encountered.

Every training will be addressed by the domain expert in order to understand the nature of training required and it is designed to address it.

We also offer follow up training for specific types of training just as to ensure the implementation of the knowledge also goes well with the end user by providing the issue-targeted training. Thus we complete the 360° way of training.